Mark Cuban: Only Way to ‘Take Jobs Back from Overseas’ Is with Robotics

Source: Robert Kraychik @ ( 16 April, 2020)

Restoration of American manufacturing must be predicated on “robotics,” estimated Mark Cuban, investor, owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and cohost of ABC’s Shark Tank, sharing his economic assessment on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“I’m looking at investments in robotics because I’m a big believer that for America 2.0, the only way we’re going to be able to take jobs back from overseas is by advancing beyond them technologically,” stated Cuban.

Cuban continued, “A big part of that is going to be robotics, and right now we’re behind China, Japan, and Germany when it comes to software and creating robots. I want to see robotics really be the anchor for American manufacturing 2.0. We’re not going to be able to do with the old ways — with assembly lines — and compete.”

Cuban described the coronavirus epidemic as an opportunity to focus government and industry on technological innovations in robotics and artificial intelligence. “Now is the time to push — to invest — in robotics so that we as a country — and I’m a big believer in American Exceptionalism — can leapfrog all of our sovereign competitors, all the other countries, and beat their ass at robotics.”


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