Curbspot, a new seamless solution for fast, safe, easy curbside pickup

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., May 21, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Object Edge is excited to announce the launch of Curbspot, a new solution for businesses wanting to launch curbside pickup asap. Curbspot is available now at

Seeing their clients and other businesses struggle with clunky curbside pickup, Object Edge - a Bay Area-based digital consulting agency - set to work developing a seamless, enterprise solution. Rather than relying on phone calls, apps, or codes, this web-based application can be easily run on a desktop or smartphone.

Curbspot works for any size business, to facilitate the smooth handoff for curbside pickup. Whether a restaurant, small retail chain, or national business, Curbspot allows any business to offer contactless pickup quickly, efficiently, and safely. Pricing begins at $9.99 per month. With a simple, intuitive setup, businesses can launch curbside in just one hour - no integrations required.

"We are incredibly excited to launch Curbspot. As a company, we saw a need with our clients and in the market to provide an enterprise-level, quality, curbside solution so that retailers and restaurants could do what Best Buy and Target have in place. With the new reality settling in, we are proud to provide an affordable, elegant, and robust tool that helps us protect each other's safety and keep business open." - Rohit Garewal, Partner at Object Edge

About Object Edge

Object Edge is an award-winning agency offering expert digital transformation, experience design, and commerce implementation. For 25 years, Object Edge has been solving the most complex digital problems with innovative business solutions. Object Edge serves some of the largest retail and manufacturing brands in the world, and is proud to do its part in helping the world reopen for business. Learn more at

SOURCE Object Edge

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