How Retailers Use AI To Predict When You’ll Buy

Can AI predict when you’re going to buy a product?

Or if you’re just window shopping?

“It absolutely can,” Adobe director Steve Hammond told me in a recent TechFirst podcast. “It needs certain points of data input to help with that, but it is a big part of how we have interactions across journeys today.”

Those interactions are the “customer journey.”

Marketers call the actions you take before purchasing a product the customer journey. They could include seeing an ad, or hearing about a product from a friend. It probably involves some searching on Google. You might buy it right away, or you might get distracted, never to actually purchase the item you were once interested in. One marketer I talked to told me he had mapped over 800 different customer journeys, but in reality, there’s probably as many as there are people interested in any given product.


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Brad Porter, longtime Amazon Robotics leader and distinguished engineer is leaving the company