Man Orders Apples Online From Tesco, Gets iPhone Instead

Online shoppers always run the risk of ordering an item and ending up receiving something else. For a 50-year-old UK resident from Twickenham, however, the mix-up became a boon. Having ordered a bag of apples, Nick James was surprised after he received not only the fruit but also an Apple iPhone SE.

James had ordered a bag of apples from his local Tesco. But when he collected the order, he found that it contained not only the apples but also a brand new Apple iPhone SE. At first, James thought it must be a prank or an Easter egg. Soon, however, he learned that it was indeed not a joke and that he had actually got an iPhone for free.

According to reports, the delivery of the iPhone was not a mistake or prank. In fact, it is part of a promotional campaign being run by the multinational grocery store chain Tesco. Called the ‘Super Substitute’ offer, the campaign has Tesco giving away free electronic goods such as Apple iPhones, AirPods and other items as giveaways to lucky customers. The winners are randomly picked.

Well, it seems the promotional scheme worked. “I was half expecting the surprise to be an Easter egg or something – I was a little bit shocked to say the least,” James told The Mirror, adding that this made his son’s day.


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