Amazon Launches Into a New Era

Andy Jassy, who speaks in quiet tones and moves through Amazon’s Seattle headquarters in jeans, untucked button-downs, and sneakers, appears to be the polar opposite of his predecessor, who over the years transformed into a larger-than-life billionaire. But now it’s Jassy who is nevertheless managing an ever expanding empire.

With a valuation of $1.7 trillion and a workforce of 1.6 million, Amazon’s reach is nothing short of colossal. It delivers next-day provisions to your doorstep and serves up millions of daily video streams that will soon include live NFL games and a new Lord of the Rings series. Amazon Web Services (AWS)—the biggest cloud computing provider on the planet—powers myriad other companies, including its biggest streaming competitor, Netflix. And then there’s Amazon’s global logistics business, brick-and-mortar stores (including Whole Foods), and a telemedicine service. Not to mention Amazon Gaming and Amazon Music.

What’s next? Where does it stop? Does Amazon make sense as a single company?

Jassy, 54, has been grappling with these questions since taking over as chief executive last summer. Where some may see a chaotic conglomeration of dissimilar businesses, Jassy, Jeff Bezos’ hand-picked successor, says he sees one company, unified by a single purpose, with no end to its potential expansion.


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