Sizable Intelligrated conveyor system including high-speed shoe sorter for sale

Warehouse Automation is partnering with a salvage company to 're-commission' a used Intelligrated conveyor system including telescoping conveyors at receiving and a high-speed shipping shoe sorter capable of handling up to 15,000 cases per hour.

This system is in remarkable condition as it was hardly used since it was first commissioned by the original customer. Our team would be capable to install this system including the latest 'state-of-the-art' software controls anywhere in the US or Canada.

Original System Description

This extensive Intelligrated (now Honeywell) conveyor system which runs approximately 6 miles long, was used to flow through and sort pre-labeled cases directly from the receiving doors to the shipping doors to minimize handling and manpower requirements.  Part of the Inbound dock area was dedicated to a semi-automated process for unloading and sorting freight. This area was called "Automated Receiving Technology." Dock doors on the receiving dock were fitted with powered conveyor systems that extended directly into the trailer. Rather than using a forklift for unloading, workers placed all conveyable cartons from the semi-trailer onto a powered conveyor belt where a scanner read the carton's label and determined whether the carton is Flow Through or Putaway to Reserve. If a carton was ‘Flow Through’, the carton was sent via conveyor to an elevated mezzanine, where it was transported until it reached the outbound shipping lanes which are assigned door per store.  If, however, the carton is Putaway to Reserve, it circled around on a conveyor belt so that it was deposited by the same dock door from which it was unloaded. Inbound workers then stacked these reserve cartons onto pallets staged for putaway by forklift and/or by an automated AS/RS storage system.

Intelligrated is an industry leading manufacturer of conveyor systems with more than 100 years’ experience and thousands of installations. Intelligrated conveyor products are designed with a focus on maintenance and reliability.

Intelligrated case conveyor products have been tailored to serve a variety of markets and applications, including:

  • Apparel

  • Automotive

  • Consumer Goods

  • Courier, Express, and Parcel Distribution

  • Direct-to-Consumer

  • Food, Beverage, and Grocery

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Postal Distribution

  • Retail


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